Description: This book is for German students at the high intermediate level. It introduces readers to German literature & culture and places the primary texts - the majority of which are available on the internet - within their particular socio-historical contexts of production.
Auf Spurensuche: Ein Lesebuch takes students on an interactive journey through the city of Berlin. Individual sites such as buildings and memorials serve as departure points to discover important figures in film, literature, music, politics, and the visual arts in Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic. To make chapters more visually appealing and to help students connect with places, writers, and texts in a meaningful way, numerous authentic photographs from Berlin accompany individual chapters. Videos and weblinks add further information, thus allowing readers to explore themes and topics in greater detail. The book moves from the end of the 19th century to today, with a focus on texts of the first half of the 20th century. Chapters are arranged around broad themes (for instance, memorialization of the Holocaust) to allow for a better understanding of primary texts. The book, including the integrated course assessment & management system (CAMS), was created with the German curriculum at Western Washington University in mind, helping students transition from one level to the next as they progress in their studies. Drawing on students' previously acquired linguistic knowledge and cultural competencies, the four modalities are further developed by introducing an array of authentic language texts of varying difficulty. In January 2013, the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) recognized the German program at WWU as one of only two "National Centers of Excellence" in the United States, the highest professional distinction in the field of German Studies.
Premium content for students: The course assessment and management system (CAMS) offers the additional benefits of a personalized learning experience suitable for indivdual, at-home learners as well as for students in a classroom setting. Here you will find a multiple-choice assessment system containg questions about completed readings. These exercises are machine-graded and provide instant feedback to the learner.
Premium content for instructors: Signing up for premium content gives you access to the entire site (incl. CAMS) while affording you complete control and flexibility in designing your own course. You will enjoy access to questions and assessments of various kinds and choose from among free response, numerical, multiple choice, or true-false questions. You can rely on the machine-graded assignments the system provides or have your students turn in assignments and check their work, or you can decide on a mix between the two. You will also have access to the designed materials for the two projects of this course. And, for added flexibility, you can easily supplement pages in the book with your own materials, and quickly create and add your own assignments to the existing book content.