Learning German with Going Green
This course is intended for learners of German at the high intermediate level of proficiency and is structured around a broad range of "green" themes and practices that have environmental impact and significance, such as sustainability, activism, the forest in the German imagination, the experience of "forest-bathing," tourism in the Alps, and national parks in the German-speaking countries, to name only a few. This web-based book offers a considerable amount of FREE content, in contrast to most other textbooks, and allows all who are interested in the course material in general to deepen their knowledge of "green" practices and thought. In addition, students will be engaged in the discussion of two films, Das geheime Leben der Bäume (a documentary about the bestselling book of the same title by Peter Wohlleben, 2020) and Taste the Waste (a documentary about food waste around the world, 2011).
The free portion of the book contains glossed readings, as well as explanations of grammatical features appropriate to the high intermediate level and integrated throughout with the content of the course. All of the components of the book are accompanied by both historical photographs and images of contemporary Germany, Austria, and Switzerland providing examples of grammar points and illustrating the readings.
Premium Content
The portion of the book available for purchase offers the additional benefits of a personalized learning experience suitable for individual, at-home learners as well as for students in a classroom setting. Included in this portion of the book are the syllabus, assignments, additional materials accompanying the readings, guided activities and writing tasks, and exercises for language work. While some of the homework exercises require writing and will need to be graded by an instructor, a portion of the exercises are machine-graded and provide feedback to the learner. If you would like to get to know this compelling and relevant field in the German-speaking countries and cultures, then take advantage of the full course content and sign up now. |
Premium Level for Instructor Signing up for premium content gives you access to the entire site while affording you complete control and flexibility in designing your own intermediate-level German course. You will enjoy access to questions and assessments of various kinds and choose from among free response, numerical, multiple choice, or true-false questions. You can rely on the machine-graded assignments or have your students turn in assignments and check their work, or you can decide on a mix between the two. And, for added flexibility, you can easily supplement pages in the book with your own materials, and quickly create and add your own assignments to the existing book content. Finally, one of the primary reasons for the creation of this book at my institution and in my state was the desire to save students money and I hope to be able to accomplish just that, here and elsewhere. |